FIVE Songs I wish I wrote

I consider myself a music fan first and foremost, though I also write songs. I love rocking out to a great live band or jamming in the car - but every now and then I hear a GREAT song and my inner songwriter voice says "Dang I wish I thought of that!" Below is a list of FIVE songs that inspire me and also make me a little jelly that I hadn't written them first! 

1. Everybody Wants To Rule The World - Tears For Fears.  This song to me is the definition of the 80s. The synth and drum sounds are huge, great melody and meaningful lyrics. And a great measuring stick for me is: no matter how many times I've heard this song, I'm still not sick of it! 

2. Don't Stop Me Now - Queen. These guys are geniuses on so many levels - Brian May is one of my favorite guitarists but also is an astrophysicist in his spare time! With this song, the music fits the message and I always come away from this song feeling pumped up. Its Queen so you'll hear fantastic vocals and musicianship and also very interesting arrangements that keep the listener on their toes!

3. Time Of The Season - The Zombies.  This song has such style and tasty flavor - crazy to think the band broke up before it was even released. The song features great harmonies from the band and the signature clap + "ahh" from vocalist Colin Blunstone is one of the coolest percussion parts ever laid down. 

4. She Seila - The Producers.  First of all this band is tragically unknown among many music fans. This song has all the elements required for a classic; catchy musical riff, memorable melody, meaningful lyrics, and a great sound. Watch this ridiculously awesome performance from MTV's New Years Rock & Roll Ball 1982/83 - the energy, the vocals, the keyboard...are you kidding me?! How was this band not hugely famous?? And kudos to MTV for airing something so incredible at one point in their history.

5. Coconut - Harry Nilsson. This song is both brilliant and goofy at the same time. Immediately infectious and catchy, the song consists of a total of ONE chord! That's the true genius here - knowing when to say when. Most songwriters would think "Okay I have this cool song idea on the C7 chord, now where should I go from there?" Well, crazy ol' Harry Nilsson decided one chord was enough. And obviously he was right. He was a rule breaker and a tremendous smartass, and I treasure his work. Check the strange video he put out for the song:

SMOKE SESSION: Super Silver Haze

Here's a fun track I wrote when I was smoking a lot of sativas. Super Silver Haze was a favorite of mine during that time. Super racy (not racist) and energetic, hence the rocking. I remember trying to write the weirdest words I could think of. I tried to paint some strange visuals to counteract the rocking guitars in the verse. One thing about a strong sativa is that it can really hit your head hard - and my brain was definitely in an altered state. My favorite lyric from this song is "10 gallon hat with room to spare, always say "Howdy" but no ones there." Check out Brand Spankin' New Tracks like 'I Never Knew You Like That' from Donato now on Spotify! 

Good Morning, Durban Poison!

If you ever have trouble waking up or if you're just not a morning person, there's nothing quite like a strong sativa to get you going. Me and my lady have begun starting our day around 5:30am with a few hits of some strong sativa - this morning was Durban Poison. The effects are immediate - in less than 5 minutes I am fully awake, alert and ready for the day! I then do 20 or 30 minutes of yoga, eat something healthy (when available) and begin my musical adventures. Durban Poison quiets that little voice in my head that groans about how he wants to stay in bed and doesn't feel like exercising. Before I know it, I'm in the middle of a yoga class feeling great and creating tons of positive energy for the rest of my day.

Unfortunately Durban Poison is not on most doctor's recommended prescription lists (if there is such a thing) but it SHOULD be. I flushed all my opiates down the toilet yesterday - no need for that garbage. I'm choosing health and natural medicine. I know it works better for me. Its getting me out of bed in the morning and keeping me focused on the positive. Here's my view from rehearsal:


1/16/18 - Band practice

I'm excited to share the news that The Imperfections got together yesterday and rocked our way thru a few new songs! The energy created when people get together and play a song out of thin air can be magical at times - or it could have been the Mango Tango from Greenway Medical - maybe BOTH?! Either way I had a great time rocking some new tracks and dusting off a few old ones with my good friend and great drummer Rich. We share an equal love of hard rock and power/pop - which pretty accurately describes what we sound like right now: if Billy Joel was more of a smoker than a drinker and sang in Led Zeppelin while they played Cheap Trick songs. That's where I think we're at currently. Retro rock and roll. Please consider booking us for your next cannabis-related event - we are capable of being family-friendly, just give us advance notice so we can clean up our act (and wardrobe). 

Upcoming Las Vegas shows will be announced soon. Announced? Like Michael Buffer style? Honestly I'll probably just post it on here and Facebook. Until next time...


Full Moon Fervor

I swear the moon was HUGE when I took this picture, but it only looks like a streetlight to the lower right of the Stratosphere. Only the human eye can perceive if the moon is closer or fuller, a cell phone camera doesn't even come close (I want my money back).

However, this full moon created just enough gravitational pull to get me off my ass and get the band back together! (See setlist below) Las Vegas show dates coming soon! 



2017: A Look Back

In the last few days of 2017, I'm taking a moment to look back at the awesomeness that was this year! Share in the celebration below:

Click the top left to stream the entire playlist on youtube

* Check out a playlist of my songs on youtube and let it play ALL DAY while you clean the house. Or make a mess, your choice. 

* I'm grateful for distrokid for helping me finally get a bunch of my songs distributed online and helped me start to organize my head a bit. Check em out, they're good people. 


I finished a new Joe Foss track this year called "Hot Streak" - check it out on Spotify (via Twitter):

Also in 2017 I posted a 5 song Christmas EP as Barry & Gordon - A Comedy Christmas. Some of the content is questionable and even confusing, but please consider adding it to your 2018 xmas playlist alongside Bob Rivers, Aqua Teen Hunger Force and Bing Crosby on crack. 


Here's to 2018 being even MORE awesomer! This coming year shall see a full album release (hand release sold separately) from Donato & His Imperfections, new tracks from Joe Foss and even a few bonus holiday cuts for next Christmas! Thank you to anyone who is still reading this for your incredible support this past year, it has been a blast in the pants and I can't wait to leave my mark on 2018 - Joe Foss style.

Peace, love and understanding,

- Donato

Barry & Gordon - A Comedy Christmas

Every now and then, an idea comes to you that is so strange and so random that you HAVE to make it a reality just to hear what it would sound like - and that is the case with Barry, the sitar-playing, ferret-hating, smart aleck Sloth, and Gordon; the under-prepared but charmingly sweet baritone-voiced Hippo both singing Christmas songs. This started out as an attempt at a children's comedy Christmas album, but some of the content came out a little too adult. So now it feels more like something you could put on during the holidays to confuse your grandparents. Like The Chipmunks on ecstasy. Or Disney on Ice - but "ice" as in crystal meth. So if you're sick of the same old holiday songs, throw on 'Barry & Gordon - A Comedy Christmas' which Night Ranger Magazine says "...sounds like the Berenstain Bears...on acid." [Herpe Press (c) 2017]


"What She's Doin" Thanksgiving special

You'll never guess what I'm thankful for this year! At the top of the list in recent years you would find mostly food and various other edibles - but this year I wrote a Thanksgiving song dedicated to my special lady. It's all about What She's Doin this year - whether its turning me on or turning over to get more sleep - I'm so grateful to have such a supportive and sexy best friend to motivate and inspire me 24/7. And if you feel the same way, if you have a special best friend that you can grab onto, why don't you do that right now? I'll wait...go ahead and grab em...can you pause wrestling for a sec? At just over 2 minutes - you can literally listen to my entire new song "What She's Doin" during the commercials and be back to wrestling without missing a single choke hold. So happy holidays everyone - and be sure to check back soon as I am planning some more fun releases for the Christmas season! 

SMOKE SESSION: 707 Headband

I'm loving this strain right now! 707 puts me in a positive, creative mood ready to attack the day. Luckily I didn't have to ATTACK anyone today - I just dove right into the recording process. I was in the mood for a bit of a mid-tempo thinker today. I love the fuzzed out bass in this track - and the call and response with the guitars throughout the track give it a fun, bouncy feel. Lyrically I wanted to communicate the idea of feeling voluntarily isolated - the person in this song doesn't want to "run with the pack" ala Bad Company in the 70s - though IF Paul Rodgers wanted to hang out, I'm sure exceptions would be made. The singer is slightly disillusioned with their life and isn't sure whether its easier to blend in with the crowd or stand up and be an individual. Now you can think about all that OR just bob your head to the beat! Check it out below: